Did you know a U.S. destroyer almost torpedoed President F. D. Roosevelt?

A U.S. destroyer launching a torpedo during World War II
(Photo: U.S. Navy)

Losing the head of state of your country, and the supreme commander of your armed forces, can be devastating in wartime. Losing that man due to a stupid mistake on one of your own warships is even worse: it’s downright farcical. During World War II, President F. D. Roosevelt came uncomfortably close to such a demise.
In November 1943, the battleship USS Iowa was carrying Roosevelt to Mers el Kébir in Algeria on the first leg of his trip to the Cairo and Tehran conferences.
(Read our earlier article) Other notable passengers onboard included Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Roosevelt’s Chief of Staff Admiral William D. Leahy, Army Chief of Staff General Marshall (Read our earlier article), Chief of Naval Operations Ernest King, and U.S. Army Air Forces Commanding General Henry “Hap” Arnold.

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USS Iowa, Roosevelt’s ride to Africa
(Photo: U.S. Navy)

One of Iowa’s escorts was the destroyer USS William D. Porter, which, according to some claims, had been having bad fortune since the outset. While departing from the harbor, her anchor tore the railing and lifeboat mounts off another ship. The next day, one of her depth charges fell into the water and exploded, causing a false U-boat alarm.

The destroyer USS William D. Porter
(Photo: Naval History and Heritage Command)

On November 14, Porter participated in a torpedo demonstration at Roosevelt’s request. Chief Torpedoman Lawton Dawson, however, failed to remove the torpedo’s primer, and it was an armed warhead that was speeding directly for Iowa. Due to orders of radio silence, Porter first tried to warn the battleship with a signal lamp but sent the wrong message. Desperate to warn the bigger ship, she eventually broke radio silence to warn about the live torpedo. Iowa turned hard to avoid it, while Roosevelt had his Secret Service attendee push his wheelchair to the side of the ship so he could get a better view.
Tragedy was averted, but Dawson was arrested and sentenced to 14 years of hard labor which he only avoided thanks to Roosevelt’s pardon. Porter acquired a certain reputation, and other U.S. Navy ships routinely greeted her with “Don’t shoot! We’re Republicans!” as a joke referencing Roosevelt’s Democrat affiliation.
Porter was not done with misfortune yet. In 1945, she barely dodged a Japanese kamikaze plane which hit the water and sank. Unfortunately, the plane’s unusually large amount of explosives detonated directly under the destroyer’s keel. The blast lifted the ship clean out of the water and caused damage that caused her to sink a few hours later.

The mortally wounded William D. Porter before sinking
(Photo: Naval History and Heritage Command)

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