Did you know a World War II special operations submarine has just been found?

The deck gun of the recently found HMS Triumph
(Photo: Kostas Thoctarides)
Greek researchers led by Mr. Kostas Thoktaridis have announced the finding of the wreckage of the British submarine HMS Triumph this June. The T-class submarine was known for having participated in several covert operations, and was in the middle of one when it was lost at sea.
HMS Triumph had to sit out the first few years of the war after hitting a German mine that blew 18 feet of her bow off in 1939. She returned to service and started preying on Axis shipping in the Mediterranean from early 1941 onward. She was also used to insert Allied agents into Axis-occupied areas. She just finished one such mission, dropping off agents carrying cash and gold for supporters of the Greek resistance at the Greek island of Antiparos, on December 30, 1941. She was scheduled to pick up 30 British refugees on January 9, 1942, but never made it to the rendezvous. She launched an attack against a cargo ship on the same day, and three unexploded British torpedoes have later been found in the area, but Triumph vanished without a trace.
HMS Triumph in late 1940
(Photo: Imperial War Museum)
She was now found at a depth of 666 feet (200 meters) after 20 years of searching. The boat’s position and condition suggest that she was diving when she suffered an explosion at the bow, possibly from a mine of depth charge. The remains of the 64-man crew are presumably still inside the wreck and will most likely not be disturbed.
The submarine’s closed escape hatch
(Photo: Kostas Thoctarides)

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A paratrooper landing at Mont Saint-Michel, France to honor paratroopers who descended on D-Day
(Photo: U.S. Army, Army Sgt. Hannah Hawkins)

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