Did you know that the Nazis loved Coca-Cola?

German Coca-Cola ad from 1939 (Image: liveauctioneers.com)

Nothing could be more quintessentially American than an ice-cold bottle of Coca-Cola, so it might surprise you that the drink was also incredibly popular in Nazi Germany. So much so, that many Germans were unaware of its American origins, believing it to be a German product.
Coca-Cola’s German subsidiary had its own factory to produce the drink, but the syrup with its highly secret ingredients still had to be imported from the U.S. This became first difficult, then downright impossible during World War II, forcing Max Keith, the head of Coca-Cola’s German branch, to develop an alternative product, one that could be produced even in the middle of wartime shortages. His team developed a new soft drink that could be made from leftovers: whey (a byproduct of cheesemaking), apple pomace (the remains of apple juice making) and sugar beet. The new drink was named Fanta.
Once the war was over, Coca-Cola repossessed its German factory, finding the recipe for Fanta and adopting it into its worldwide family of beverages. (It should be noted that modern Fanta is different from the original.)

Old German ad for Fanta (Image: INTERFOTO)

80th anniversary tours in 2024

Reenactors on the main square of Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy during a D-Day anniversary (Photo: Author’s own)

2024 will be an extraordinary year in World War II-related historical tourism since we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of two major events that took place in 1944, the D-Day landings and the Battle of the Bulge. To enable our Passengers to attend the ceremonies observing these anniversaries, we will launch four different commemorative tour types in 2024. In addition to our regular tours, we will offer three tours related to the D-Day landings and one related to the Battle of the Bulge.

Discover our 80th anniversary tours
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