Did you know that the Spitfire did not win the Battle of Britain alone?

A Spitfire (bottom) and a Hurricane in close proximity (Photo: Crown Copyright)

The sleek and maneuverable Supermarine Spitfire is one of the most recognizable warplanes of World War II, and is the plane most people think of in connection with the Battle of Britain. The Spitfire, however, did not fight (and win) the battle alone.
The Hawker Hurricane was based on an older generation of fighter design ideas, but was a very sturdy and dependable plane nevertheless. It was slightly slower than the Spitfire, but had similar (and, in some models, heavier) armament, it was a very stable firing platform, could withstand more damage, and had a much longer range.
The two plane types worked in tandem: the flashy, maneuverable Spitfires would engage the German Bf 109 fighter escort, then the Hurricanes would swoop in to take down the bombers while the German fighters were distracted. With this cooperation, the Hurricanes managed to chalk up 55% of all British aerial victories during the battle, with the other 45% going to the Spitfire. And most of that 55% were bombers, which were more important to stop than the fighters! Join us on our Britain at War Tour from 2023 to see both warplanes with your own eyes!

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